Forwarded by Treva...
Some of us (@ our various churches) are participating in a 21-day Daniel fast. This should help encourage us :). And even if you are not participating in a fast, apply your situation to this story.
I just wanted to share a personal experience that I had today with each of you to encourage during the fast.
I have had a CD stuck in my CD player in my car since 2008. I have pushed, prodded, tried to trick it to release the CD over the past several years. This morning after dropping my son off at school, I was trying to push the FM button and accidentally pushed eject. (I had stopped intentionally pushing eject, because I had given up on the CD EVER coming out!). To my amazement, the eject button worked and the CD came out with ease. I wish someone was there to take a picture of my face. If you understood the struggle I went through on my own trying to get the CD out, you would understand.(lol) The CD player operated just like it was supposed to and I was stunned. I was ready to scream with excitement about that when I heard in my spirit "I AM fixing the broken things."
Things in our lives we have toiled over, worried about and pushed through are going to be fixed and ejected out of our lives with the anointing of ease! Sickness-ejected! Doubt-ejected! Debt-ejected! I was trying to push the FM button and a book I am reading refers to FM frequency as the "Faith Mode". We must stay in "Faith Mode" during this fast and expect God to show up. Now I believe He is even going to do some unexpected things just because He loves us so much. When we change our mindset to "Faith Mode" we also have choices! Now I have a choice of what CD to listen to in MY car! Praise God! When we are whole we have choices. Healing opens up choices. Finances open up choices. Situations you thought you would NEVER come out of are going to be fixed. I just have the faith to declare it!
Choose to listen to the voice of God and eject the old voice out! (change the CD playing in your mind that says doubt, fear, discouragement and put in conqueror, fearlessness, encouragement) My CD player operates correctly now. Command your body to operate correctly, your finances to operate correctly! It's the season!
I was trying to fix the CD player on my own, I never took it to a specialist. During this fast we have the ear of 'The Specialist'. Take those things to him that you had given up on and stopped believing and praying about. He can fix in a moment what we have been trying to fix on our own for years.
Be encouraged, Joshua 3:5 says "Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow I will do wonders among you!" We are sanctifying ourselves through fasting and prayer. Be on the look out for the wonders!!
Sister in Christ,
Michelle Brown
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