
So if you’re waiting on God, wait on Him right to the end. Hos. 12:6, “Wait on your God continually.” Wait until God answers.



Compromise used to mean that half a loaf was better than no bread. Among modern statesmen, it really seems to mean that half a loaf is better than a whole loaf.
Chesterton, Gilbert K.

Whatever you allow to come in front of your values and morals; you will definitely be driven by it.

At some point, you make certain compromises that are just mere adjustments to growth. But there are other times that you make decisions based on feelings that will destroy your faith and what you originally stood for.

Don't find yourself in this place where you keep letting your guards down for the sake of momentary pleasures.

Your values are worth more than feelings!



If you judge people, you have no time to love them - Mother Teresa

Everyone deserves a chance in life. You cannot come to a full conclusion based on a 10-minute engagement with anyone. Yes, first impressions are important but are not always the true representation of who a person really is.

I don't care what people say about how you need to be yourself at all times and never to change for anyone. While this is 80% true, the other 20% is for when we have to adjust our attitudes and personalities, depending on the settings we find ourselves in.

You certainly wouldn't talk to a potential employer the same way you talk to your long time best friend; or speak to a bunch of preschoolers the same way you would to a grocer....right?

Now, because we can do this with our first impressions, then lets have some grace for others when we initially come across them.

Everyone, including you, deserves a chance to be known, heard and loved. And not judged!

Happy Saturday!



Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. - Leo F. Buscaglia

It's a good feeling to not only be seen, but also to be noticed.
You know how nice it feels when a friend says something nice (directly) to you.

In the same token, extend the favor and brighten someone's day. Bless someone today with a nice comment or gesture!

Happy Friday!



Don't let your struggle become your identity - Ralston Bowles

I'm finding that a lot of us have kept our struggles alive this long, so much that it has actually become a part of what makes us normal.

I heard a preacher say that "your troubles have an expiration date".
If this is true, then imagine someone who constantly keeps drinking spoiled milk, when they know that it is expired! Sounds crazy, right??

Well, this is how it is with our struggles. We have to know that when its over, it's over. Don't re-live it every time you talk about it. Don't keep reminding everyone of how hardcore you are. Stop making those stories and experiences who you are. Yes, it draws attention to you but it can also push people away from you if you are constantly guarded!

Life's struggles are normal but what we learn from the experiences are what shapes our personalities, not the challenge itself.



When a woman is known to have no settled convictions of her own, she can't convict other people - Twain

This is such a hard one for me... yes it is! The older I'm getting, I'm realizing that the convictions I used to share with my peers (back in the day) are no longer common amongst us. This is not to judge but it is in fact a truthful and quite sad reality.

What worries/concerns me is that we have grown so accustomed to the things we used to dread; now, it's become so much a part of our lives that its the absolute new normal.

I believe that the more we practice these immoral, unGodly and/or comprising ways; the day will come when we will be a slave to it - 100%! What you tolerate in the valley, you will bow down to on your way up!

Lord, may our convictions be strong as ever and may it be high up on the radar at all times! So we can discern clearly!


Blessing #2

There is so much about my fate that I cannot control, but other things do fall under the jurisdiction. I can decide how I spend my time, whom I interact with, whom I share my body and life and money and energy with. I can select what I can read and eat and study. I can choose how I'm going to regard unfortunate circumstances in my life - whether I will see them as curses or opportunities. I can choose my words and the tone of voice in which I speak to others. And most of all, I can choose my thoughts - Elizabeth Gilbert

At this point of your life, hopefully, you are no longer blaming some person(s) from a past hurt for the way you turned out. At some point, you....(not your uncle or your first grade teacher) ....is fully responsible for all the actions that you manifest.

Your thoughts, words, reactions, friends, goals, decisions are all some of the little big things that make you a grown-up.

Think hard on your life's journey, make a plan that works well in your favor and choose the path wisely!
It's all up to you!


When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.
Willie Nelson

If you live the life you love, you will receive blessings. Sometimes the great famine of blessings in and around us derives from the fact that we are not living the life we love; rather, we are living the life that is expected of us.



It’s important to make someone happy, and it’s important to start with yourself.

One of our commandments is to love your neighbor as yourself, right? We often read this as if its saying to pour out unconditional love for a neighbor, a stranger..etc. But what it's also saying is to give a fellow human being the same respect, love and care that you uphold yourself with.

How you treat people is a reflection of how you feel about you.
Think about it, if you aren't happy with the situation you are in, it's very difficult and almost impossible to be super excited for someone that is doing really great! In fact, you can be pretty annoyed about their happiness!

This is why, no matter what you are going through, it's very important to count it all joy. This prevents you from going into depression and loneliness. And ultimately, will help with how you handle your neighbors.

Be kind to you, and be kind to others.



Your personal boundaries protect the inner core of your identity and your right to choices - Gerard Manley Hopkins

Most of us have seen a "no trespassing" sign posted on private property at one time or another. It sends a clear message, that “if you cross the line you will be prosecuted!”
On the other hand, personal boundaries are limits or borders that define where you end and others begin. It is basically the amount of physical and emotional space you allow between yourself and others. It determines what types of communication, behavior and interaction you accept from others. The type of boundaries you set defines whether you have healthy or unhealthy relationships.

Your physical boundaries need to be strong in order to protect you from harm. It includes your body, clothes, shelter, safety, money, space, noise, your sense of personal space, privacy etc.

Your emotional and intellectual boundaries are just as important. They protect your self-esteem, and your ability to separate your feelings from the feelings of others. They also include beliefs, behaviors, choices, relationships and responsibilities.

Setting boundaries is essential if we want to be both physically and emotionally healthy. Strong boundaries help maintain balance, self-respect and allow us to be interdependent in relationships. A lack of boundaries is like leaving the door to your home wide open, anyone, including welcome and un-welcome guests can walk in without hesitation.

Be smart about you!

Happy Friday good people!



9 Warning Signs Of A Dysfunctional Relationship

Dysfunctional relationships are relationships that create more emotional turmoil than satisfaction. Relationships are part of the human experience. But what happens if one or both people have never been involved in a happy relationship, or had one modeled for them as a child? Chances are they will participate in a dysfunctional relationship.

A dysfunctional or an about-to-be dysfunctional relationship always has warning signs. Here is a list of some:

1. Addictive/obsessive attitude: When one develops an addictive or obsessive attitude and seems overly focused on themselves or the other.

2. Imbalance of power: You always feel that you are the only one working at 150% at making the relationship work. It is not a good sign when they seem to make no effort at all.

3. Tensions show up regularly: Little things that cause tension are always present..... Like money, friends, love, work or anything else, but they seem to take on a disproportional importance.

4. Feeling cornered: either of the partners can get a feeling of being cornered or trapped into a situation that s/he would not like to have got into in the first place.

5. Inferiority/superiority complex: If any one of the partners in a relationship begins developing an inferiority/superiority complex. Relationships are based on equality and trust; therefore no one should consider himself superior or inferior in comparison to the other.

6. The feeling of frustration: Every relationship has little frustrations here and there, but when they persist and just keep cropping up as soon as one is dealt with, something is certainly wrong.

7. Constant unhappiness: If you do the "are you happy" check often, then something isn't just right! ? If you are constantly unhappy or mentally bogged down, because there is a nagging doubt or a feeling that something is not going right, it is time to evaluate the situation. This can happen when you just cannot reconcile your desires, your feelings and your needs with the other person and neither can he, with yours.

8. Being unsure and insecure: You are so unsure of yourself that you hesitate to do things. So you spend a lot of time thinking about what if it would end up causing a rift in your relationship. In other words, when you go from being spontaneous to overcautious about doing things you like to do. Being unsure brings with it a feeling of insecurity.

9. Fear, jealousy, obsession, non-involvement, manipulation, distrust, suspicion, disrespect and an uncaring attitude are the usual suspects. If there is continuity in any of these behavioral traits, then your relationship is on its way to being past history.

These are a few warning signs of a dysfunctional relationship. If you happen to notice any of these, take preventive measures immediately and address the situation. As you may already know, band-aid measures won't work, look for long-term solutions. Perhaps the most commonly used and least effective solution to problems in relationships is to ignore them and hope they go away. They never go away unless addressed and taken care of - in love.

All the best....


Make me feel special

There is no greater thing that we can do in each human interaction than to make the other person feel special.

Now, this is not done by phony and insincere words, but by creating a feeling of acceptance in the other person. A feeling that you know them, their feelings and accept them just the way they are.

And no, you don't have to agree with everything they say or do. What you must do, however, is hear what they say and respect their right to feel as they feel.

Even marketers no longer believe in "generic mass marketing" they strive to make every consumer feel "special" and unique, even though they (the customer) have purchased the exact same product as million others have.

Every person feels that there is something they want to improve about themselves and that there is a way to do it. But, as many of us have learned, we do not make lasting changes because we were made to feel "unspecial" by harsh criticisms.

It takes a special person to make every person that they encounter feel this specialness, but it's a goal worth reaching for. It could even bring about world peace!

.... Great read!



Self-esteem is as important to our well-being as legs are to a table. It is essential for physical and mental health and for happiness - Louise Hart

You cannot do without it! Either yours is high or it's low: but you are never without your self esteem.

It is your self esteem that gets you going each day. A high self esteem is backed up by motivation, drive, passion, self-respect, self-worth, dignity and pride; while a low self esteem is supported by depression, disrespect, loneliness, fear, neglect and shame.

It is important to always keep you at the center of you. Yes, very important because no one is going to take you higher than you want or keep you lower than you need to be - without your permission.

You are the landlord/landlady of your heart and emotions. Don't toy with it and don't allow anyone else to.
All of you is what makes you the person that you are. Your happiness depends on it ;)



A good instructor doesn't give you a test without teaching you the lesson. For every test you face, you have in you the knowledge and wisdom to pass with an 'A' grade - Patrick Kiteley

We have a way to feel incapable of making it through challenges in life. While some of us pray that God will give us the strength to make it, some of us pray that God will take it away.

When you take a test, your memory recollects what you studied prior to the test. The real fear is did we study enough? How much did we learn from the class that will help us get through this? What do you have stored up that you can easily pull from?

That's how it is with tests of life. We are supposed to get smarter and smarter each time around. Or we will spend a whole lot of time re-taking the test and/or repeating the class!

Remember, you are tested because you've been taught.



You are a master of the words you don't say and a slave to the ones you do - unknown

You know how sometimes you keep your thoughts to yourself because you feel inadequate or unheard as is; and you pretty much feel like there is nothing you can say that will grant you any attention. . So you hold your peace!

I was talking with a colleague on Friday and she shared some information with me (that was a few days late) and was much needed on Wednesday; but she felt that she didn't want to bother anyone with her thoughts so she stayed quiet about it. Needless to say, the information she had was crucial and if she would have spoken up sooner, it would have saved us a few hours that we spent brainstorming instead!

Remember, whatever it is that you have in mind and don't speak up on may be the very words that can change a situation. And the ones that you do "think out loud", you will be held accountable to.

Think twice, speak up!



I have learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances - unknown

There are two different kinds of people: the ones who have suffered adversity and as a result - no matter what good they face - they cannot seem to enjoy or even appreciate it.
Then there are the ones who have too suffered adversity and as a result - all new challenges are yet another reason to grow up - they find a way to "count it all joy".

Your disposition in life is what draws people to and away from you. If you are always offended, and in the "woe is me" attitude, you may not find a lot of friends in your circle. Although you may feel the people are the problem, its really you.

On the other hand, if you have some fight in you and are always in the encouraging spirit, people will hang out with you because of your ability to take life as it comes but overcome its challenges.

Which one are you?



The future is not a result of choices among alternative paths offered by the present, but a place that is created–created first in the mind and will, and then created next in activity. The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating - unknown

Your life isn't going to start to happen in 3 weeks, 3 months or 3 years: you are what you are going to be now. However, this may or may not be where you will end up. The choice and control is ultimately yours.

The decisions you make now, will determine if the person you are today is a younger version of who is to come; or if what we see is all there will ever be.

What do you want to be when you grow up? You are it right now!



Great article:

The dictionary claims that "to resent" is "to take strong exception to (what is thought to be unjust, unfair, etc.)," but I feel that resentment goes much further than that. If I were to define resentment, I would say: Its a poisonous emotion that eats away at a person's peace of mind, mental well-being, and ability to treat others well.

Resentment is a lack of acceptance and a lack of forgiveness. Resentment says volumes about the person who resents, but very little about the people or actions that are resented.

It's very easy to fall into the trap of resentment--other people put us in position to do so almost daily when they do things that are unthinking or uncaring. Someone else may get the job or the admission into a school even though you're far more qualified; someone may not invite you to a party to which they've invited everyone else; someone else may meet with great success even though they don't work nearly as hard as we do; someone may say something rude to us or about us behind our backs. But what do all these things mean? These are all other people's actions, reflections of other people's personalities or abilities, yet we allow them to cause us to become resentful.

You cannot afford to allow these things to mess you up! You have your whole life ahead if you and that's all that should be and IS important to you.

Shake it off and be free...


Business Talk

If you don't drive your business, you will be driven out of business." - B. C. Forbes

I was business-talking with one of my sisters last night and we were exchanging thoughts on business partnering, including it's advantages and disadvantages.

We both felt strongly about how business partnering happens, who carries the vision, who executes it, when is a good time to evaluate/re-evaluate, was partnering a good and God idea, how are costs handled, who is on the creativity side of the house, who is on the peoples' side of the house, do you go solo....etc. These are all practical things that it takes to start and run a business.

Business building takes time, depending on the nature of the business and its carriers but it can be at a comfortable steady pace if you understand its music.

Whatever your role is in a business, be 150% in maintaining your drive, motivation, DNA, and culture. And if you run out of steam and are done with it or the team altogether, then a grown-up conversation must be had so you can part ways respectfully.

Mature stuff ;)



She has a head that is for rent unfurnished - Anonymous Quotes (revised)

Basically: here is a mind, it's got nothing in it, but is up for grabs. Do as you will with it....

It is a scary thing to have a brilliant mind go to waste or get filled up with useless thoughts. This is why it's important to keep your thoughts contained with plans and ideas, that support your dreams and aspirations; and ultimately lead you to your destiny.

Stay away from negative thoughts. Don't feed your mind with pointless temporary ideas. Stay focused and accomplish your goals.

Keep your mind at some good work!


Why wait?

Waiting is a trap. There will always be reasons to wait. The truth is, there are only two things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don't count - Robert Anthony

There are many ways to avoid success in life, but the most common just might be procrastination. Procrastinators sabotage themselves and put obstacles in their own path. This is a choice of path that hurts your performance.

Statistics show that 20% of people identify themselves as chronic procrastinators. For them procrastination is a lifestyle, and it cuts across all domains of their life. They don't pay bills on time. They miss opportunities for buying tickets to concerts. They don't cash gift certificates or checks. They file income tax returns late. They leave their Christmas shopping until Christmas eve.

Procrastination is not a problem of time management or of planning. Procrastinators are not different in their ability to estimate time, although they are more optimistic than others. "Telling someone who procrastinates to buy a weekly planner is like telling someone with chronic depression to just cheer up," insists Dr. Ferrari.

Lets get it together people! :)

Happy Monday!



Enter every activity without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat. Concentrate on your strengths, instead of your weaknesses… on your powers, instead of your problems.”–Paul J. Meyer

Let’s face it – no matter how excited you are about a new project or priority in your life, there will always be days when your motivation lags a bit. Days when – despite all the progress you’ve made in the past – it just sounds easier to sit on the couch than to buckle down and crank out the work needed to meet your goals.

In order to be successful, you must be able to motivate yourself past these humps. So whenever you feel your drive and determination lagging, turn to what you need to provide you the extra spark of passion needed to keep you on track.

Hang in there and finish strong!



In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don't have the first, the other two will kill you —Warren Buffet



I certainly don't regret my experiences because without them, I couldn't imagine who or where I would be today. Life is an amazing gift to those who have overcome great obstacles, and attitude is everything!
- Sasha Azevedo

Your perception about things is a result of your life's journey. This is the way you see things, how you feel about it, what you think it means, which words you choose to say, how you emote, and what actions actually manifest from all of it.

Some of these moments can do you good or bad: it all depends on your attitude. Happiness is an attitude of choice. No one can determine this for you, but you! We either make ourselves depressed and miserable (by choosing to marinade in our past sorrows and fears), or happy and strong (by choosing to overcome them and leave them exactly where they belong - in the past).
The amount of work is really the same.

Choose now how you will live out the rest of your life. Better or worse? Or the same?
It's all up to you!

Happy Friday!



Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. - Ambrose Bierce

It's amazing how much comes out of us in times of anger. If you are like me, I say exactly what I mean and mean what I say - angry or not!! (yikes).

We do have to be careful what and how we communicate in those tense and highly emotional moments because the damage control later on can be much worse.

It is ok to get mad, but if you can and its not even worth talking about, then get over it. If you are still troubled in 3 days about it, then by all means, discuss the issue. Typically, at this point, the discussion wouldn't be so clouded by anger, but by concern. The idea is to direct your anger towards the problems and not the person.

We have got to do better and learn to control our out of control reactions!

Meditate on this...



What I like most about change is that it’s a synonym for “hope”. If you are taking a risk, what you are really saying is, “I believe in tomorrow and I will be part of it.” – Linda Ellerbee

Change is a constant. Some changes we go through are small, some are more in the "crisis" variety. Some change happens so fast that it can give you a mental block.

Change is a good thing if you can quickly embrace the future. The more you stay in the place of discomfort, the less you will see the brighter days ahead.

Don't let the stress of the present change overtake you, don't allow yourself to be caught-up in the feelings of irritation; instead, begin to get an idea of what the change is going to bring and then start thinking this way. Wrap your thoughts, efforts, emotions around it and let those feelings overtake you. It'll help you get through the temporary uneasiness.

Change is good ....



When I give a minister an order, I leave it to him to find the means to carry it out. —Napoleon Bonaparte

One of the things that can kill the end result of a project or task is when a manager micromanages a job that he/she has given to their staff.

Some of the folks that work for us actually have a strategy and plan on carrying out any job they are given. We will never know this of course, if we are constantly over their shoulder trying to make sure it's done just the way we want it.

I believe we can say what we want the end result to be; then send them off....sit back and see how they combine our desires and their skill-set to match what we need.

Leadership must be portrayed with trust, respect and recognizing peoples' potentials. It's one way that will keep them working for us and the organization.

Happy Tuesday!



I must follow the people. Am I not their leader? —Benjamin Disraeli

Leading isn't always about dishing out instructions and delegating the work. It's also about listening to the people that work with you, being a servant to the folks that work for you, being there for the people, being a team player and a part of the work and demonstrating that you too can get your hands dirty.

Your staff and colleagues will appreciate you for being human and understanding.
We have heard the saying that people will remember you for what you've done and not for who you are.

When you show people that you care for them as a fellow human being, and not just an asset to your success at work; they will go above and beyond and always give you 150%.

Happy Monday!



The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen - Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

We've all gone through something that made us stronger; and it's in those moments that life's challenges shape our perspectives on everything!
How you respond to people is based on your journey. How you engage in their lives is another challenge in itself.

Being somewhat involved in others' lives is a sense of maturity in yours. There are so many things that you can offer to someone who may be in a situation similar to what you went through. If you would only try....

The great person that you are today is a result of the combination of your life journey, the person(s) who helped you build a defense against its negativity, your tenacity to become whole, and your fight to win strong!
Since we know that no one was born this way...you are perfectly positioned to help another fellow reach their own height of victory!

You can do it ;).
Happy Sunday!



Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live - Oscar Wilde

Although most of us will not consider this to be loneliness but I believe that one of the reasons why a lot of us are lonely (not alone...just lonely) is because we do not give ourselves the opportunity to meet new friends and invite them into our world; and we also don't accept them for exactly who they are.

You may not always agree with others but you can still respect them. Just because you view life a certain way, doesn't mean you should expect your friends to feel the same way about things. Having a variety of friends will help you connect with people who are different from you, which helps you grow as a person.

Great friendships are an important part of living. They help widen your perspectives on life and remind you that you are not walking out this life on your own.



Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight - Benjamin Franklin

If not controlled and overcome, anxiety has a strong way of keeping us in a box of fear and paranoia.

For those of us who are constantly worried about what's going to happen and if something doesn't happen and how we just know that something is about to happen.....we need to rest in the peace of the Lord. God doesn't give us the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind..

With that said, this is where we are to place our fear...and exchange it for your peace of mind. Because, nothing is coming around the corner to get you. The fear is there to hold you down and keep you from growing and moving forward. The minute you start gaining control of your life....fear will be gone from you!

Let's turn the page ....

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