“Grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.” 2 Peter 1:2
When you feel like you need a companion, God will show you that you really need peace.
When you think you need provision God will show you that you need peace.
Every prayer request we can possibly think of points to the greater need for the supernatural peace of God. We are living in a time when God wants us to experience His peace like never before. Peace comes from resting in a true knowledge of God and the finished work of Jesus Christ.
When peace comes in, worry and doubt runs out. It doesn’t come to share a space, it comes to take over. God’s peace comes in like a mighty flood and completely overwhelms us.
Receive God’s peace today about your life, receive His peace about your marriage, receive His peace about your children, receive His peace about your business and your ministry.
Ask God to open up the windows of heaven and pour out His peace upon you like you’ve never seen before. Let grace and peace be multiplied to you through your knowledge that God is who He say He is and He will do what He say He will do.
Not one ploy of the enemy can stop God’s great plan for your life. You are who God said you are and you will fulfill His divine purpose for your life.
Receive it! Receive it!