
So if you’re waiting on God, wait on Him right to the end. Hos. 12:6, “Wait on your God continually.” Wait until God answers.


Money, Money, Money

I am convinced that every woman is supposed to walk in full victory in her finances. Money has always been and will continue to be a touchy subject for us; however, it is an issue that without the proper attention and discipline can divide a home, destroy business relationships, ruin friendships and more frequently limit your vision. I am believing for the day that every woman I know will be set free from the lifestyle of living from paycheck-to-paycheck. It is ok to be in this place while we are still learning and juggling between things but there is a day that we will be well disciplined with our spending that we will no longer have that I-can't-wait-to-get-paid anxious feeling. Money is a blessing and a reward that God has given to us and its the only way to spend it; as a God-given gift.
  1. Tithe accordingly and faithfully - God will put it upon your heart to either tithe your gross income or your net income. The question is, which of the two would you like God to increase? Let that help you with your decision.
  2. Offer blessings to your church - Giving monetary offerings to the place you worship at, not only blesses the ministry that comes out of that house but it also maintains the facility you congregate in, week in and week out.
  3. Pay your bills - It is not, not ever a good testimony that Christians are in neglected debt. We ought to be examples to the world. We are the head and not the tail. We accumulated the bills, therefore, let's pay them off. Right?
  4. Be a blessing to others. Each day, we come in contact with different people that have different needs. Do not ignore them any more, hoping that someone else would get to them...as they are not your responsibility. Be the first one to pay the bill at lunch, dinner or whatever meal you have with a friend. Pour out a blessing on someone else so God can continue pouring into your bank. THIS INCLUDES tipping as well.
  5. Spend wisely - Buy what you need and if you have extra, then buy what you want.

I hope this helps us get a simpler better perspective on money and how we are to spend it. It helped me and I know that God will put it upon your heart, because I am praying for you.

1 comment:

  1. 5 wonderful points, yet the confidence and trust to truly apply that in my life is very hard. I'm learning though! Thanks for a great reminder! Every woman should know these things.


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