So, the year has infact began, thank God. If your life is as busy as mine tends to get, then you know that the pace isn't any slower yet, the challenges are still greater, the work load is much tougher, and the prayer list has gotten longer....but the real question is: has our faith become stronger? How about our trust in God?
I am learning daily that faith is not just reading about its great work, but its about living in its great principle. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of what's unseen. Some of us have heard this so many times that it's not as real as the first couple of times we actually heard it. But ladies, I don't know about you but God has a way of bringing me back to perspective and reminding me that He is God and noone else is.
I want to encourage you today and for the rest of this month to really position your heart to believe God for absolutely ANYTHING....because really and truly...HE CAN DO ALL THINGS. I can testify of this first-hand. If we can do this together as women for the month of January, we can set the faith/miracle tone for the rest of the year for our needs, our family's needs, our friends, etc...
Never give up!
Don't believe the lie that great things happen to others and not you! You too are a partaker of God's blessings, so take it, receive it, walk in it, breathe it and see God move on your behalf!
Be blessed Righteous Woman!
Faith Builders:
- Do you believe God can do anything?
- What areas are you believing God for?
I've been building my faith, by speaking my faith. This weekend with my children, telling them...God can heal you right now, do you believe it? I do, I believe it and I claim it over you right now...believing God can heal a cold just as much as he can heal something bigger, I just got to ASK him. Then I began believing for change in our living situation... money may look like it can't be done, but I said Lord, I believe you for the miracle and I know it will come, perfectly in your time, to meet our needs. Thank you for YOUR faithfulness Lord!