
So if you’re waiting on God, wait on Him right to the end. Hos. 12:6, “Wait on your God continually.” Wait until God answers.



Problems can become opportunities when the right people come together - Robert Redford

When you come to a place where you can no longer think about the issue, you don't know how to get out of it, you are basically stuck in the process; it's at that time that you need to back off for a minute, try something different to get your mind of it and then think of a strategy to attack what's before you.

Bottom line is that you need a resolve but  you probably cannot do it on your own; since you have obviously tried over and over again.
You'll find that if you strategically think of ways to dissolve the issue, ideas and people will start coming to mind. 

Sometimes, you need someone else to take a good look at it and give you their perspective. And that, could be the key to your resolution.



Be careful of your actions. You never know when you are creating a memory - Ricki Lee Jones

It's the impression that you leave behind that will keep the memory of you alive in people's mind.

You physically come and go but your emotional expression sticks around for a while. 

Once you make a connection, you can no longer use the excuse of "they can't judge me because they don't know me". 

You may not be responsible for what people think of you and how they see you but ONCE you have had an interaction, you have a part to play in their perception of you.

Choose to act wisely. 



Some walks, you have to take alone - Suzanne Collins

There comes a time when you are on the path by yourself; and then you realize that not only are you lonely, you are also alone. 

But know that not all "alone" time is bad for you! It is often there to guide our character and to direct our journey.

Friends and family are not our road map, God is. And the only way you can get a full picture of the navigation process is to trust the driver and step out of the way. 


Can you? Or should you?

We should cultivate the ability to say no to activities for which we have no time, no talent, and which we have no interest or real concern. If we learn to say no to many things, then we will be able to say yes to the things that matter most - Roy Blauss

It takes us knowing who we are, what we are capable of, what our weaknesses are, what our strengths are, where our passion lies ....etc, to be able to say no to things that matter or don't matter.

If we don't have the grace for something, then we shouldn't commit to being a part of it all in the name of pleasing someone, or looking good in front of a group or appearing busy. 

We will find that if we place our passions and abilities where it will truly count, we will be happier in our life's journey. 



How long should you wait??? Until - unknown 

Talk about patience! "
"Until" is the most trying waiting period ever!! And this where your patience is tried over and over, and you learn to do nothing but listen.

It's a great place to be because you learn to wait, you learn to adjust, you appreciate what's before you, you are content and you are hopeful of the future.

Don't despise your until moments....they are there for a reason ;)

Have a beautiful day! 



Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato

There is something about understanding that you are not alone (so, come out of your bubble), there are others that exist in this world (and they need mercy), and everything doesn't have to work your way (this is where you extend grace).

We have to be sensitive that everyone we talk to, run into, or meet has something that they are dealing with. Therefore, your approach is very important. 

Yes, be intentional about what you need, but be gentle in your approach. 


Love thy neighbor .....

I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious - Albert Einstein

I call it borderline nosy! ;)

Yes! We all have people in our lives that just can't do without being "in the know" or a part of what's happening or just plain old nosy about everything! 

What do you do with people who fit into the criteria? You love them anyhow.... Yes you do because this is just how they are wired and change isn't coming soon! 

As a matter of fact, it's a battle you cannot win because not only are they created this way; they also love love love the way they are and use it to their good advantage. Nevertheless, you love them
anyhow. Yes, love them anyhow ;)


You and them

I am because you are - African Proverb

It takes maturity to know how and when to appreciate your friends, colleagues and family.

You are who you are because of the road you have traveled, the people that walked alongside you and the experiences you took from it.


And yet another....

Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. 
- John Ruskin

As normal as natural seasons change, so do our spiritual seasons. Each season comes with a test, the opportunity to take the test, the chance to learn and the open door to win. It is our job (in our 
mature state) to take these tests carefully and excel with victory.

Note, you are NOT alone and everyone goes through these. What you do in the midst of it is what counts. How you handle it is what really matters. 

The key is knowing that each challenge is another path to growth. It won't kill you, you won't die this time around, it's not over, and everyone isn't out enjoying life while you suffer. 

If you stop, relax and see what's really happening; you will realize that you have been here before (in another time, test and season) and since you got through the last one, you certainly will come out of this one better too! 

It's all about perspective! 


Our loved ones

Always kiss your children goodnight - even if they're already asleep.  ~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

We should always say "I love you" to our loved ones even if we think they already know. 

Go ahead and give one more, yes one more hug and kiss.

Surprise someone with a sweet text at a random time today.

Make that phone call to that family member and make their day better.

When someone confides in you, be attentive and present; they need you at that moment. 

Remember, we all need each other...so don't hesitate to give a little extra. It can't hurt.



To have a good friend is one of the highest delights of life; to be a good friend is one of the noblest and most difficult undertakings - Anon

Anyone can have a friend; but not all can be a good friend. 

Friendship takes time and growth. It's about spending time, understanding what they mean without saying anything, knowing when to speak or love or listen or give a hug, having intuition on checking on them at the perfect time, praying for them etc....

Yes, friendship takes all that and more! And since its a two-way street, you need it too sometimes.

Happy Monday! 


You taking care of you

Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you!

Christian D. Larson 

Well said!! 



In life you can never be too kind or too fair; everyone you meet is carrying a heavy load. When you go through your day expressing kindness and courtesy to all you meet, you leave behind a feeling of warmth and good cheer, and you help alleviate the burdens everyone is struggling with - Brian Tracy 

It is a good thing to exercise care, empathy, compassion, love, gentleness, grace and equality wherever we go. We just never know who is in desperate need of it to survive.

Don't be selfish with these.... It can make all the difference in the world to somebody. 



Your journey has molded you for the greater good, and it was exactly what it needed to be. Don't think that you've lost time. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time - Asha Tyson 

Absolutely!!!! It's time to start living fully...with no regrets or guilt, just living well.

What happened then, what happened yesterday really did happen, yes. However, it's over and done with and the greatest part is that what's left is you! 

With that in mind, you've got the rest of your life to make those experiences count. You learned from them, you are better today, and you are much stronger now. Walk in that truth! 



God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say 'thank you? - William Arthur Ward

Very simply stated....

Be thankful more often than normal ;)



He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has - Epictetus

It shouldn't take us losing something to appreciate what's already there. We tend to spend a lot of time in the "I wish I had" moment and totally forget the "I'm glad I have" reality.

Riches and wealth come from within - and that's pure happiness; not what youhave  or what we can see. 

Let's start practicing that so our children (now and in the future) will learn the difference.

Happy Tuesday! 



The moment when you first wake up in the morning is the most wonderful of the twenty-four hours. No matter how weary or dreary you may feel, you possess the certainty that, during the day that lies before you, absolutely anything may happen. And the fact that it practically always doesn't, isn't the point. The possibility is always there - Monica Baldwin 

It's in our hands.....the power to control the path the day takes. No matter how much work we have going, or how many meetings to attend, or all the phone calls to make, or all the running around that the day brings....we are still in control of what happens with our emotions and actions. 

As we rise (in that beginning hours of the day), we have determine in our heart to stay full of joy, in perfect peace, on a positive path and at rest. 

As we practice this daily, we will find that what's on the outside doesn't shake us much; but the determination to win is the captain of our day. 

Happy Monday good people! 



When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you haven’t - Thomas Edison

While this is a perfect statement for some situations, it doesn't work for all. This can be a dead end for a lot of us. For some reason, we feel that if things aren't working out the way we want them to...we need to keep trying to force it to work. 

It takes wisdom and understanding to know when one more try is just what is needed and also to know when to walk away. 

Whatever the situation is, guide your decision by the peace you feel inside. If overall, you are at peace but a couple of areas need special attention; then another try is worth it. On the other hand, if it doesn't feel right, and you don't feel comfort; then it's time to move on.



What you don't see with your eyes, don't witness with your mouth - Proverb

It's as simple as its said. Don't be a victim of gossip, he-said, she-said.....if you didn't see it happen, don't talk about it like you did. 

Gossip is a terrible act to be involved in because it really diminishes your character and places you in a not-trustworthy category. 

The best way to avoid it is to inform the teller of the "story" - that what you don't know is good and you will like to keep it that way. The more you say this, the less tempting it is for those "story tellers" to bother you with "what's happening now". 

You are responsible for what's been fed to you. If it isn't edifying, then please by all means - keep it moving and if they don't, then you walk away!! 



There are only two options regarding commitment. You're either in or out. There's no such thing as a life in-between. - Pat Riley

It's like the bible says "a double minded person is unstable in all his ways". You cannot have one foot in and one foot out. Choose this day whom you will serve and them serve it to the fullest. 

You can apply this to every area in your life. You cannot be fully committed to two or more relationships, or two or more churches, or more than one employment decision.

It's not a fair choice to both worlds. At some point, one of the worlds will demand more of your attention and you'll be forced to think hard about landing in one of them - and being fully there 100%. 

Question is: are you ready to be faithful to one? 

Think on it....



When a person is down in the world, an ounce of help is better than a pound of preaching - Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton 

We all have our days. Some days are great and full of victory; some days are low and full of impossible chances. It takes the right people around you to know how to approach you in these very different seasons.

On some days, you may need a little bit of encouragement, or a little bit of need, or a truckload of blessings. And on some other days, you may need a good old fashioned intervention, or a bit of "I told you so", or some tough love. 

The key is knowing the difference and not beating someone up with the wrong approach if they are already down.



Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know  - Pema Chodron

Each test we face is another opportunity to grow and another chance for our faith to be strengthened. 

The longer it takes us to get it, the more permanent the test will seem. 

What is that particular test in your life that just keeps lingering AND what have you or are you learning from the process? 



Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking. There are too many people who think that the only thing that's right is to get by, and the only thing that's wrong is to get caught - J. C. Watts 

I have heard a great leader say "whatever you do privately, you can do publicly", "if the lights were turned on on your private life, will you be happy with what the world saw?"

Bottom line is this - your character is a combination of what you do in front of others, your morals, your thoughts, beliefs, your private life, your work ethics, your life lessons learned and your faith.

These and other attributes make you the person you are today and because of this, it is necessary to put the time into building your actions to fully represent what your mind, will and emotions are silently expressing. 

It's time to bring both worlds together and make them match. There shouldn't be much of a difference when you are publicly or privately introduced.



If I only had three words of advice, they would be, Tell the Truth. If got three more words, I'd add, all the time - Randy Pausch

Knowing the truth gives you freedom but speaking the truth supports your good character.

It's important to always tell the truth because this is the only way your words hold weight and substance. If you cannot be trusted, you'll always be avoided. 

Lets work on this ... 

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